Dr Charity Funfe Tatah Mentan

Executive Director

Dr Charity Funfe Tatah Mentan

Dr Charity Funfe Tatah Mentan, holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Charity Funfe Tatah Mentan, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of African Network for development Inc(ANDI She is a Hubert H. Humphrey International  Fellow with a diploma in International Human Rights Law from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Dr. Funfe Tatah Mentan has been serving the underserved immigrant community as an Executive Director of Africa Network for Development Incorporated (ANDI), a non-profit organization she founded in 2005. She received an award from Voices Magazine for her services in educational leadership in the immigrant community on April 20th 2019.She is a Research Associate with the National Center for Education Outcomes (NCEO). In the institute of Community Integration. She is currently developing materials on parental involvement in K-12 schools; how to build successful communication between parent /guardians, immigrant families and communities; teachers and school administrators. Specifically, English learners (ELs) and ELS with disabilities. Dr. Funfe Tatah Mentan is involved in developing online teacher training modules for accessibility of instruction and assessment. She is writing grant proposal relating to engaging parents and families in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner to build partnership with school to improve instruction and assessment for students’ success and improved outcome. She is one of the facilitators of a peer learning group(PLG 3) of States involved in making sure that 1% Cap for students with cognitive and developmental disabilities is maintained in schools. Dr. Funfe Tatah Mentan is Co-Lead of Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CLC) workgroup at the institute on Community Integration. CLC at ICI is geared towards cultivating cultural humility and ensuring that everyone feels welcomed in the workplace. Her research interests are immigrant education and employment, parental involvement, community integration, service learning, shared leadership, community engaged research, communal good, intercultural and cross cultural communication, racial healing, diversity and equity building an inclusive community and peace building.